
Monday, April 18, 2011

Disjointed made 4/13/11

For some reason I'm already sick of this playlist. I've been listening to less of this playlist than any other one in recent history. I'm not sure why, but I think it feels disjointed. This week has been a rollercoaster week so I think that's reflected in what's on here. I don't want to revisit some of this week, maybe that's why I'm done with it a while two days early. Either way, good riddance.

"Disco Tek Wreck" -The Chosen Few
"I Hate School" -Suicide Squad
"Television Addict" -The Victims
"Self Destruction" -Razar
"Always Wanting More" -Jay Reatard
"My Family" -Jay Reatard
"Nightmares" -Jay reatard
"To Hell With Poverty" -Gang of Four
"Situations" -Slaughter and the Dogs
"You're a Bore" -Slaughter and the Dogs
"I'm Waiting for the Man" -Slaughter and the Dogs
"I'm Not Running Hard Enough" -The Lords of the New Church
"Russian Roulette" -The Lords of the New Church
"Fix My Brain" -The Marked Men
"Going Crazy" -The Marked Men
"Right Here WIth You" -The Marked Men
"Brand New Shoes" -She & Him
"The Part That You Throw Away" -Tom Waits
"Dirt in the Ground" -Tom Waits
"I Don't Wanna Grow Up" -Tom Waits
"Yesterday is Here" -Tom Waits
"How's It Going to End?" -Tom Waits
"Make it Rain" -Tom Waits
"The DIstrict Sleeps Alone Tonight" -The Postal Service
"Sleeping In" -The Postal Service
"9000 Miles" -The Kominas
"Rabyah" -The Kominas
"Early Christmas Present" -Kate Nash
"(I Saw You) Shine" -Flipper
"In the End" -Charlotte Gainsbourg
"The Songs That We Sing" -Charlotte Gainsbourg
"Telling Lies" -The Parasites
"Kiss the Bottle" -Jawbreaker
"Slow Show" -The National
"Twenty Four Hours" -Joy Division
"Heart and Soul" -Joy Division
"Sorry Somehow" -Husker Du
"Too Far Down" -Husker Du
"No Promise Have I Made" -Husker Du

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Borrowed iPod, Broken History -made 4/6/11

Here's a short story long. Last Wednesday I lost my iPod. To the BART tracks. It was upsetting. That being said, my rad boyfriend is letting me use his until I get enough money to buy a replacement iPod. I've always wanted to start a catalog of weekly playlists and after seeing my iPod slip between the train and tracks I thought to myself "why not?" Really, there's no time like the present to start something and now that I've had it all taken away, it seems important to put thoughts to paper (or in this case interwebs) and just document it. The music I post on here is what I've added to the stuff already on the iPod. So this is all temporary music on a borrowed iPod. Also, I get the luxury of going through someone else's library, which means I'm branching out a lot more than I ever thought I would. So, without further ado, the first playlist of this blog:

These songs are not meant to be listened to in order, everything is shuffle.
I also never claimed to have good taste in music, I like what I like.

*"Twilight Galaxy" -Metric
*"When I'm Here WIth You" -The Parasites
*"Nightmares" -Jay Reatard
*"Fading All Away" -Jay Reatard
*"Turning Blue" -Jay Reatard
*"Sorry Somehow" -Husker Du
*"Don't Wanna Know If You Are Lonely" -Husker Du
*"Back From Somewhere" -Husker Du
*"(I Saw You) Shine" -Flipper
*Life is Cheap" -Flipper
*"Paralyzed" -Gang of Four
*"Damage Goods" -Gang of Four
*"5-45" -Gang of Four
*"Sonic Reducer" -Dead Boys
*"Guyamas Sonora" -Beirut
*"Brand New Shoes" -She & Him
*"Slow Show" -The National
*"Fix My Brain" -The Marked Men
*"Going Crazy"-The Marked Men
*"Right Here With You" -The Marked Men
*"Lady of Travel and Leisure" -The Ladybirds
*"Oh no! The Unicorns Are Knife Fighting Again" -The Ladybirds
*"Answering Machine" -The Replacements
*"Bastards of Young" -The Replacements
*"Left of the Dial" -The Replacements
*"Little Mascara" -The Replacements
*"Keep Running" -The Boys
*"Constant Arrival" -Cave Country
*"I'll Fly Away" -O Brother Where Art Thou Soundtrack
*"(I Am Weary) Let Me Rest" -O Brother Where Art Thou Soundtrack
*"O Death" -O Brother Where Art Thou Soundtrack
*"Make It Rain" -Tom Waits
*"Clap Hands" -Tom Waits
*"Walk Away" -Tom Waits
*"Lucinda" -Tom Waits
*"Blue Jeans & White T-Shirts" -The Gaslight Anthem
*"I Coulda Been a Contender" -The Gaslight Anthem
*"Early Christmas Present" -Kate Nash
*"Pickpocket" -Kate Nash
*"The Songs That We Sing" -Charlotte Gainsbourg
*"Me & Jane Doe" -Charlotte Gainsbourg
*"In the End" -Charlotte Gainsbourg
*"Kiss the Bottle" -Jawbreaker

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Standing in the Rain

Photo assignments are always interesting. Or they involve me coercing my friends into doing interesting things.

A few days ago I convinced the lovely Hallie to go to Yerba Buena Park with me and stand behind a man made waterfall.

Fun times to be had by all.

As a quick aside, I love the rain, I really do.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Broken Record

Once every 6 months or so I have to restore my ipod. Generally it's a pain in the ass. My music is scattered across not only my computer, but my room as well. My music lives on my little laptop, an external hard drive, various data discs and some is still on another computer that sits outside my door, tucked nicely in the hall corner.

Most times I want to break my ipod into a few little pieces when this happens, but that would leave me without an ipod, then where would I be? (The way we, and by we, I mean I, rely on electronics is ridiculous) My ipod is my constant companion, records on the go, coping mechanism, catcall blocker, mostly a way to either escape or exacerbate whatever feeling or experience I'm having.

So, what's the point?

Let's get there. I make playlists. I don't put my ipod on shuffle, I don't choose one thing and listen to it to death, I make weekly playlists of where my head is, where my heart it, where everything is and listen to that list until the feeling goes away.

When I restore my ipod, I lose my playlists. I don't keep them and that's for good reason. There are times I don't want to revisit what was going on, or what i was feeling. If something is important enough, it will stay.

With that being said, I lost my last 5 months of playlists.

Good riddance, there are some things that need to be destroyed.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chaos Theory

My concept of time is a bit screwey.

I routinely have to be at work hours before the sun is up, I spend 9 hours on campus, days feel like weeks, my weeks like months.

That being said, I can't even remember Monday. Photos and receipts are how I remember. Some people use words or experiences, I need evidence of real life.

Looks like Monday and Tuesday were a blur

Wednesday was a good time.

I used to be a regular at Benders' Whiskey Wednesdays. Every Wednesday, for months straight, without fail, you could find me at this bar. I never left standing.
Desperate times.
Last Wednesday was the first time I'd been there in months, nice to see not much has changed.

Thursday was long.

Photo class, every Thursday, without fail. Also went to a rad house show, but I failed to bring my camera.

Friday I had the blues.

But I shook 'em off with the help of one of my best friends and a squeaky giraffe.

And somewhere in there I got my show tickets for Chaos in Tejas

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Not much to report.

Work, school, shows, tutor, friends, repeat.

There are times when I feel I'm being overly social and some things of greater importance fall to the back burner. Most of the time I'm a-ok with this. The company I keep holds my head slightly above the drowning point.

In the mean time, my buddy Andrew was my model for my rudimentary photo class. We biked around SOMA, drank some beer and took some photos.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lift Yr. Skinny Fists, Like Antennas to Heaven...

Saw Godspeed You! Back Emperor last night.

It was incredible to say the least.

Sitting in the back of the Great American Music Hall, overlooking the crowd, seated behind the sound system, we had the best seats in the house.

Their show was a combination of fervent melodic post-rock and layers of film played over each other, in once case, the film was burned and warped in time to the music, then played back. The whole experience was intense, moving inspirational.

Between watching the films and taking in the music, my mind was transported to places it never visits and often tries to forget. There were memories of pain, of fevers, of places across the world, of coldness spreading from the inside out, of waiting in clinics, to sitting on the park bench with that boy who, only a few months later, would throw himself off the Golden Gate Bridge (how's that for a cliche), to pills force fed, people lost, bridges burned, my heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces. And somehow, the whole thing seemed palatable.

I could keep going with thousands of useless words, but I feel as though my words would be doing the band a great injustice.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What We All Want

Gang of Four. Last night. Ruled.

I've been a fan of Gang of Four since I was about 16 years old. I've loved that band since then, they are still one of my most played bands of probably all time.

I finally got to see them last night, and they killed it. They were better than I was expecting, their bassist was amazing, John King and Andy Gill still have what it takes to put on an amazing show. All around incredibly impressive.

Sorry for the no edit, write in a dash post. I just got out of work and and on my way to see Godspeed You Black Emperor. (And try to finish some homework in between)

Taken by someone else, last night. God bless technology.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Little Time

There's something about 3AM.

Ray Bradbury said 3AM is the closest to death you'll ever get. For me it's when I feel the most alive. I've never been a day person, all my good ideas, plans and actions come after dark. Tonight is the same.

I started tonight not intending to be awake now, I didn't want to be awake, I have some rather heavy business to take care of tomorrow, but sometimes (well most times) plans get derailed and life gets in the way.

Earlier tonight, around 8, I punked out of a rad show (that in retrospect I really should have gone to), I went home, watched Mean Girls, ate soup and knitted and napped. Really, how interesting for a Friday night.

I cleaned up my mess, settled into my room, ready to retire for the night. Instead I got a message from my roommate to let him up, that he forgot his keys. He brought with him some of my favorite people in the world.

A wasted night of intentional lameness turned into something amazing, mildly productive and all clarifying. This might be coming from sleep deprivation or inebriation either way everything feels together, honest and for the first time in a long time I'm really excited for tomorrow.

It's times like these that I welcome 3AM.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Another Boring Story

I'm never sure how to start these things, so I'm just starting.

Welcome to Capp This Girl, I'm Liz and I am Capp This Girl.

That is Frank, he is not mine

This is my own little cyberspace home. (Or at least I'm trying to make it that way, I've started lots of blogs, maybe this will be the one to finish them)

A little bit about me...

I study journalism and Middle Eastern studies at San Francisco State University. I'm a writer by night and a pro barista by day. (Even though I'm sick of making coffee, I still wake up at ridiculous hours, hellllo 3:45AM, to do it. You gotta stick with what you know...right? Ugh)

I love music. (even though I can't make it, trust me, I've tried numerous times, I even used to be in bands, fancy that) I grew up listening to punk and it kinda followed me into adulthood. (Though I am proud to say that I have extended my taste to garage, post-punk, delta blues, girls groups of the 50's and 60's, swing, rockabilly, some industrial, the great ladies of jazz and blues, and all things kitschy and French) I still go to shows, I still read Maximum Rock N Roll, I still spend too much money on records, silly as it sounds, I feel all aspects of my life should have a killer soundtrack.

I love to take photos (though I am technically not trained, so probably not that good), more than anything it's an overgrown hobby. As well as all other forms of art and craft. I always have to be making something. My hands must always be moving or I start to feel anxious, or worse guilty. (You know what they say about the devil's hands)

My biggest passion (next to music, writing and books) is film. Silent, noir, classics, drama, comedy, I adore it all. I was raised watching films and reading books, and they are two of the three things that I couldn't live without. (air, water and food are pretty rad too)

That all being said, greetings and salutations, keep it classy.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What is this?

So, now that I have this place, this name, this thing, I should post something.

Look, something.

"And now it's been too long,
I knew something's wrong with you.
I can feel the pain that's in your eyes.
and everytime I wake, I always see your face.
I know it's just a dream, but I've gotta try.
Now I feel too small, but if I reach I'll get to you,
believe, I'm right here with you."
-The Marked Men

There's something about listening to The Marked Men on repeat that makes me feel so not alone.

Maybe I'm crazy for liking punk rock, if that's the case, I'd rather be crazy than anything else.